Cette séance est fermée aux enchères.
Enchère actuelle: 2 750 $ CAD
Historique des enchères
# de palette Date Prix

31335 29 févr. 2024 | 15 : 04 : 36 2 750 $

27029 29 févr. 2024 | 14 : 14 : 58 2 500 $

La liste de l'historique des enchères a été mise à jour le: vendredi, 18 octobre 2024 | 09h 08m 10s

LOT 220

1941 - 2022

Aunt Rene Sturge (Aunt Rene on Stage)
graphite sur papier
signé et daté 1973
16 1/2 x 17 1/2 po, 41.9 x 44.4 cm

Estimation : 3 000 $ - 5 000 $ CAD

Vendu pour : 3 438 $

Exposition à :

Collection privée, Alberta
Beaux-arts canadiens, Maison de vente aux enchères Heffel, 14 novembre 2002, lot 188
Collection privée, Toronto

Farley Mowat, Wake of the Great Sealers, 1973, reproduit page 26
William Gough, The Art of David Blackwood, 1988, reproduit sur la page de titre de la section « Down on the Labrador », non paginé

Mowat humorously tells Aunt Sturge's story: “I supposes 'twas a hard life, accordin’ to what they says nowadays, but it never seemed so to we. We was all into it, men and maids together. It took strong hearts and hands, but it give us strength in the doing. And ‘twas not all work and no play. By November month the year’s voyage was wound up – gear stowed away, fish stowed and shipped, schooners all laid up and gone to sleep. Was nothing for it then but to snug down for the winter. Then come the dances and socials and weddings and concerts in every place, and visiting back and forth all around the bay. Bonfire Night – some calls it Guy Fawkes Day – was always a gert time in Wesleyville, with folk from all around coming along to act out something for the big concert. Aunt Rene Sturge was the rale one! Belonged to Pinchards Bight, she did. She’d clumb onto the stage and do her skit, and ‘twould make a dogfish laugh hisself to death. She’d stand up there with a scrubboard and a bucket full of suds, and Uncle Peter Sturge’s dirty underclothes, and wash away at they, all the time carrying on about the poor old fellow, making him out to be a proper bosthoon, getting it out on he for the troubles he’d give her all year around…”

Tous les prix affichés sont en dollars canadiens.

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