Maurice Galbraith Cullen
1866 - 1934, Canadian
The Shipyards, Lauzon, Quebec
oil on canvas, circa 1907
21 1/4 x 29 in, 54 x 73.7 cm
ESTIMATE: $100,000 - $150,000
SOLD FOR : $140,400 CAD (premium included)
SALE DATE : Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sale of Heffel Fine Art Auction House, Thursday, November 24, 2011, lot #117
signed and on verso inscribed "Mr. François Dupré, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mtl / Mr. François Dupré, 2 Summerhill Terrace, Montreal, Quebec" on two labels, certified by Cullen Inventory #1014 and stamped with the French art supplier stamp “P. Foinet Fils Lefebvre, Paris”