Alexander Colville
1920 - 2013, Canadian
Night Walk VI
drawing on paper, 1981
8 x 11 3/4 in, 20.3 x 30 cm
ESTIMATE: $2,000 - $3,000
SOLD FOR : $4,180 CAD (premium included)
SALE DATE : Thursday, November 05, 1998
Sale of Heffel Fine Art Auction House, Thursday, November 05, 1998, lot #218
black & brown inks & pencil & acrylic Provenance: The Drabinsky Gallery, Toronto Exhibited: Beijing Exhibition Centre, Alex Colville, 1984-85, travelled to: Fung Ping Shan Museum, Metropolitan Telen Museum, Canada House, England Art Gallery of Ontario, Alex Colville: A Retrospective, 1983-4, travelled to: Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Dalhousie University Art Gallery, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Vancouver Art Gallery